The weekend approaches. What are your plans? Mine are laundry. And cooking. And housework. A very typical weekend as it happens. And, generally, there's nothing wrong with routine.
Until the routine-iness of it builds up and up and up until you realize you're on the verge of doing something seriously crazy. Ok, not seriously crazy. I have no intention of ending up in jail, however tempting robbing a bank may be.
Crazy enough to run away, though, that's a possibility. Which is a terrible idea. Christmas is coming, which is wonderful, but expensive. And I don't know if I can take another Saskatchewan winter that isn't broken up by a trip to somewhere hot and beachy, also wonderful and expensive. Yes, I do often break up the winter with a trip to BC, but that's not the kind of break I need. And I suspect I'll want to run to the sun far more in the depths of January than I do today. So I guess I'm staying here. Probably. Maybe.
The solution to routine-iness is martini-ness.