Monday, December 6, 2010

And I'm a nice person.

I am dealing with someone as kindly as I can. A someone - a work client - who is making me crazy. No, wait, not crazy. Angry. And I'm a nice person, with a very long fuse and a great deal of patience. I've managed - so far - to not respond to her inane questions with "look, lady..." or even "how are you not getting this?" But it's been a close call.

Today's issue is the meaning of lists. Or perhaps the point of lists. She gave me a list, several hundred items long. I was quite impressed with the column that stated which things were priority one and which were priority two. No one else has done that without me asking them to. She seemed to understand that with hundreds of things to find, knowing which ones matter the most is an excellent thing to know.

What she doesn't seem to understand is....don't make single items priority one....AND priority two. This just means that I have to go through the list of p.2. things and cross out everything I've already dealt with. Which is turning out to be many many things.

As a further irritation, she is worried about how long this is taking. A job that involves a mountain of work has been made far more complicated by the various things she's done that I've had to re-do or undo. And she's complaining about the time it is taking!

I'm about one nerve away from answering my phone with a very unprofessional mad-house toned high volume "WHAT???"

And this is Monday. Just Monday.

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