Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ha! I win!

So last weekend the committee and I had two battles royal. The committee won the first, I won the second. The plus side of this is that...I think I've found the autowin for a LOT of the arguments the committee and I have.

Autowins are things you can use to win certain arguments all the time. Small phrases like "97 percent", "she chose YOU", "seven hours", "-45 C" and "Twas Brillig". They're terribly useful phrases, saving you hours of heated debate. No doubt your autowins are different than mine but that's ok. I beg your pardon for the digression. So:

I noticed, during the second argument, that The Committee was speaking on behalf of others. Not on the committee's behalf, about issues I struggle with, but trying to convince me they knew what others would say, given the chance.

And that's when I found the weakness of it all: given the chance. My friends and family don't need - nor likely want! - the committee to speak for them. They all have voices, and they are all able to use them, and to use them in the assurance that of course they can voices those opinions.

So...trying to convince me to NOT ask a favour of someone (by convincing me that said favour is just too weird/unexpected/un-doable/enormous) is silly. I can't think of anyone I know - that I could ask a favour of - who wouldn't be ok with a simple yes if they can and no if they can't. A no that wouldn't hurt my feelings, and a yes that wouldn't make their lives too difficult.

So what all the rambling boils down to is this: all I have to think about is "they have the chance", and I remember that I don't need an imaginary group of naysayers telling me what others would or would not say/think/do. So there, committee, autowin!

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